World's best demo reels. Fast virtual sessions. Stupendously great service.
Casting expects you to have a professional Reel. Isn’t it about time? My editing services for Acting Demo Reels are widely considered to be the best in the industry. Check out the Sample Reels – the Testimonials – read the FAQ. There’s no better service of its kind anywhere.
Read my FAQ now!Recent Video Production
A Day In The Life: Antarctica
I have travelled extensively in the polar regions - often to produce sales and marketing films for Quark Expeditions, the leader in polar adventures. This promotional video is the latest in a long series of programs I have created that promote travel to Antarctica and the High Arctic.
Looking for a great video director? See more hereRecent Demo Reel
Bruce McCulloch
Getting the best possible Demo Reel is essential for professional actors. I've been cutting Reels for over 25 years and have the process down to a fine art. My Demo Reels book jobs for actors. Ask my clients.
Watch more Demo Reel samplesNext Available Virtual Session April 2nd
Casting expects you to have a professional Reel. Isn't it about time? Make sure to read the FAQ while you’re on the site. Lots of spots available now. Get that new Reel done!
Demo Reel Facts
Making a reel? You NEED to read this.
If your Demo Reel isn’t speaking the language of BREAKDOWN - you’re not serving your audience. That’s the bottom line in all the nasty Reels I see: the editor didn’t understand the language of Casting. A Reel is not simply a sequential compilation of your scenes - it’s a trailer of Casting Hits. Hits are the language of Casting Breakdowns and Hits are the language of Casting Directors (CDs). And they should be the language of your Demo Reel as well. »More...